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Dentro de mí conviven, abocados
a una inmensa rutina sedentaria,
el yo que pienso y otro, el que parezco.
Un pacto, que firmaran con los ojos,
les conmina
a respirarse en cierta tolerancia,
y ambos han sido absueltos
de mencionar, siquiera,
cuál fue la última causa
que les diera la vida.
Cada uno tiene ya su enclave exacto:
el yo que pienso
habita, día y noche,
la intimidad de estas cuatro paredes.
Es semejante a un niño que olvidara crecer,
y por lo mismo
nada en el mar de una sabia ignorancia.
(“Acaso sea el invierno…
es razón suficiente para explicar el cosmos “)
Y balbucea. Ríe.
Se pierde en los espejos. Gesticula.
Colecciona recuerdos como si fueran conchas
que ha enterrado el olvido.
A veces
llora, y viste el jersey gris
de la melancolía;
entonces toma un folio,
donde inicia el galope un sentimiento
y se hace reo de pertinaz tristeza,
hasta que traspapela la mirada
y descubre, cansado,
que afuera cae la lluvia
y mojan su perfil
unas livianas gotas de mi nube.
El que parezco
está en la calle de continuo.
Todos le conocéis
pues con todos comparte ese pan y esta sal
que, bajo el brazo, trae la vida;
las cotidianas dosis
de angustia existencial, trabajo y ruido.
Con él tropiezo,
una tarde cualquiera,
al doblar una esquina,
y tras justificarme torpemente
(Hallé la puerta abierta
y me aburría…”),
me despido gozoso y luego marcho
-el paso lento, sepultadas las manos
en los amplios bolsillos del vaquero-
a ver, sin más, el mundo por mis ojos.
They coexist inside me, poured out
in an immense sedentary routine,
the I that I think I am, and other that I seem to be.
An agreement, which they signed with their eyes,
in an immense sedentary routine,
the I that I think I am, and other that I seem to be.
An agreement, which they signed with their eyes,
threatens them
to breath in certain tolerance,
and both have been absolved
of mentioning, at least,
what the last cause was
that gave them life.
to breath in certain tolerance,
and both have been absolved
of mentioning, at least,
what the last cause was
that gave them life.
Each one has its exact location:
The I that I think
inhabits, day and night,
the intimacy of these four walls.
The I that I think
inhabits, day and night,
the intimacy of these four walls.
He is like a child who forgets to grow,
and therefore
swims in the sea of wise ignorance.
("perhaps the winter...
is reason enough to explain the cosmos")
and therefore
swims in the sea of wise ignorance.
("perhaps the winter...
is reason enough to explain the cosmos")
and babbles. Laughs.
Gets lost in Mirrors. Gestures.
He collects memories as if they were
shells buried by oblivion.
Gets lost in Mirrors. Gestures.
He collects memories as if they were
shells buried by oblivion.
Sometimes he cries, and wears the grey
of melancholy;
then takes a folio,
where a feeling starts to gallop
and becomes a prisoner of persistent sadness,
of melancholy;
then takes a folio,
where a feeling starts to gallop
and becomes a prisoner of persistent sadness,
until it misplaces the look
and discovers, tired,
that the rain falls outside
and wets his profile
with a few light drops of my cloud.
that the rain falls outside
and wets his profile
with a few light drops of my cloud.
The I that I
seem to be
is in the street constantly.
You all know him
because he shares with everyone this bread and this salt
that, successfully, brings life;
You all know him
because he shares with everyone this bread and this salt
that, successfully, brings life;
the daily doses
of existential anxiety, work and noise.
of existential anxiety, work and noise.
I run into him,
any evening,
on turning a corner,
and after justifying myself clumsily
any evening,
on turning a corner,
and after justifying myself clumsily
(I found the open door
and I was getting bored … ”),
and I was getting bored … ”),
I say goodbye joyfully and then I go
- slow steps, the hands deep
in the wide pockets of my jeans -
to see, without much ado, the world through my eyes.
- slow steps, the hands deep
in the wide pockets of my jeans -
to see, without much ado, the world through my eyes.
José Luis Morante nació en El Bohodón, Ávila -España en 1956. Profesor de Geografía e Historia. Las antologías Mapa de ruta (Maillot Amarillo, 2010) y Pulsaciones (Takara Editorial, 2017) compendian su obra poética formada por nueve libros, con reconocimientos como el Premio Antonio Machado para profesores, el Premio Luis Cernuda, el Premio Internacional de Poesía San Juan de la Cruz, o el Premio Hermanos Argensola. Entre sus obras en prosa están Reencuentros, Palabras adentro, y Protagonistas y secundarios. Su aportación aforística comprende Mejores días (2009) y Motivos personales (2015). En 2016 realizó la antología Re-generación. Como experto en poesía contemporánea imparte conferencias y talleres en centros educativos y ejerce la crítica en Clarín, Ínsula, Turia, y en Los diablos azules del periódico digital Infolibre.
Coordina el blog “Puentes de Papel“*Don Cellini/Translator/
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